Are You
Ready for Cosmic Awareness?
(Spanish version)
from LightNetwork Website
Are you among the millions who need threats of punishment, hell and damnation to keep you on the spiritual path? If so, you are not ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the millions who see Devils and evil forces behind every rock, tree, face, sign, song, concept or change? If so, you are not ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the millions who use your ideals, beliefs, and spirituality to judge, compare, condemn and evaluate your neighbors and associates? If so, you are not ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the millions who would martyr yourself, your loved ones, your children's happiness and welfare, your nations' people, to sacrifice and suffer in a present life in hopes of gaining some reward in a future life? If so, you are not ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the millions who need a personality cult, with some personality, deity or teacher to idolize, bow down to, to hang your soul upon in hopes of being blessed for your submissive groveling? If so, you are not ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the millions who seek security through systems and teachings that ask you to believe without question any activity, book, method or personality who claims by Its own authority and that of Its followers to be the only answer, the only truth, the final word of wisdom? If so, you are not ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the millions who would condemn, hurt, or kill your fellow humans If they threatened your beliefs, which teach you not to condemn, hurt or kill your fellow humans? If so, you are not ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the millions who seek reassurance for your beliefs and attempt to avoid any information that leads to questioning or doubting your beliefs? If so, you are not ready for Cosmic Awareness.
If You Still Think You Are Ready For Cosmic Awareness, read on:
Are you among the few who can question your own most cherished beliefs? If so, you are ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the few who can listen to beliefs and ideas of others which are in conflict with your own, not to find fault with these, but to examine them for any possible value to yourself? If so, you are ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the few who can conceive of the possibility of a Universe which is itself a living, conscious being that is aware of all of its parts, loves them all, and whose parts may change but never die? If so, then you are ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the few who can imagine your soul to be a cell in the body of that Universal Being? A soul or cell that is the image of the Universal Creator, even as your own cells contain the DNA coded image of yourself? If so, you are ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the few who can conceive of the possibility that the biblical story of the Garden of Eden might just be a story of your own birth and consciousness? That the Garden of Eden was the womb, Adam the conscious mind, Eve the subconscious, their expulsion from the garden being your birth into this earth, the serpent being the Kundalini energies, the Tree of Knowledge as the rational consciousness based only upon the fruit of the five external senses, with the Tree of Wisdom representing the entire holy (whole or cosmic) consciousness? If so, you are ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the few who can conceive of the possibility that the Christ is actually a level of consciousness, a Christ Consciousness. Crystal Clear, born of virgin purity, that spoke through Christ, to tell the people the Way, the Truth and the Light through the Crystal Consciousness to the Kingdom of Heaven within oneself? If so, you are ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the few who look beyond the teacher of the message to the message itself, to study its value in your life? If so, you are ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the few who could read the messages from Cosmic Awareness and neither believe nor disbelieve, but use them to stimulate your thoughts and launch your own consciousness toward search and discovery for yourself? If so, you are ready for Cosmic Awareness.
Are you among the few who can conceive of surrendering yourself to die into a universal consciousness, to live in this world but be not of it, knowing yourself to be a Universal Being expressing through the physical body but not being trapped in it or owing your conscious existence to it; are you capable of seeing the body as your carriage, while being aware that you as driver of the carriage may come and go from it if you desire? If so, you are ready for Cosmic Awareness.
If you are among
those millions who are not ready for Cosmic Awareness, it would waste your time
to read on; but if you are among the few who are ready for Cosmic Awareness,
indeed this message is for you. Read on.
Cosmic Awareness Comes Like
a Thief in the Night To Establish a New Age, A New World, A New Millennium.
While there can only be one Universal Truth, there are thousands and thousands
of organized religions and spiritual cults upon this earth, each claiming and
sincerely believing itself to be the truest and best of all possible religions.
Each has some special piece of evidence to use as proof of its authority
and claims. These claims are based on any or several of the following kinds of
(Examples showing the absurdity of using such evidence as proof,
follow each one.)
Proof from Authority "It must be so, our leaders say it's so."
Proof from a group of Authorities "They all say so, it must be so."
Proof from Antiquity "It was written in 10,000 B.C. so It must be true."
Proof from Circumstance "I asked for a sign and the dog barked, it must be so."
Proof from Friends "All my friends do it, it must be OK."
Proof from Phenomena "He gave me a drink of something and it cured my pain, he must be the Messiah."
Proof from Self-Proclamation "I wouldn't say it if it were not so."
Proof from Feeling "It hurts so much it must be helping."
Proof from Investment "Everybody is paying so much for it, it must be valid."
Proof from Confusion "I can't understand it, so I'll have to believe in it."
Proof from Popularity "Everyone says the world is flat, except you, Columbus."
Proof from Misinterpreted Evidence "For many years now it has turned cold after the leaves have fallen from the trees. Therefore, we must fasten the leaves more securely to keep the weather warm."
Proof from Charisma "Look at that face, the smile, those eyes, that hair and mustache, how can you not be devoted to him? Heil Hitler!"
Proof From Inner Guidance "A voice in my head said it was OK to steal, so I stole it."
Proof from Credentials "The sign said: "Honest John's Used Cars," so naturally l assumed..."
Proof from General Faith "We all thought the world would end on March 1, so we sold our homes to Joe, threw a farewell party and got roaring drunk."
Proof from Association "I ate six apples on the full moon, six months later I married a werewolf. Don't eat apples on a full moon."
Proof from Packaging "It must be valuable because it has expensive paper, leather binding, gold ink, violet ribbon, antique printing -- but what's that ticking sound inside?"
Proof from Dedication "Four million followers have been martyred for him. He must be a true and wonderful leader for our people."
Proof from Power "He has destroyed his every enemy, he has made the mountains quake, he has caused the sea to swallow up the land, he has created chaos out of order, who can doubt his wisdom? Who dares doubt his wisdom?
Those "Proofs" Have Been the Basis for Most Religions on Earth
From examining the
above and the religions and spiritual organizations in the world, it becomes
increasingly clear that people of the earth have long lived with illusions,
lies, false Gods, and absurdities called Truth. Essentially earth people
are misled and unrealistic in an unrealistic world.
One may ask if there
is any possible way to find reality and truth, or must life's mysteries be
always answered by answers based on faith in those answers? Since 1963 Cosmic
Awareness has been communicating through certain carefully trained channels. It
has given thousands and thousands of pages of information on almost every
imaginable question.
There has been enough information given to start a
dozen religions; in fact portions of the teachings have been used to help start
various spiritual groups, studies and organizations, some which have grown quite
prosperous from only a small portion of the Awareness information. Yet, with all
the verifications and priceless information -- enough to convince the world's
most ardent skeptics if they took the time to check it out -- Awareness still
suggests that we not believe it without checking for ourselves.
It never
tells us what to believe, it suggests and indicates areas for us to look for
likely truths. Above all else, above any other teaching It offers, It suggests
that we question, doubt, explore, to discover for ourselves, to study different
religions, sciences, psychologies and various fields of learning but to never
assume we KNOW anything, for when we think we KNOW, we cease to be open to
further learning except when that learning supports our assumed knowledge.
Ninety percent of all religious teachings are designed to manipulate
minds and emotions to catch, hold and extract energy and devotion from its
followers, while only 10 percent of such teachings are truly priceless and
valuable to one's social, physical and spiritual welfare.
We encourage
people to search out the highest and the best in every religion or science, to
take the 10 percent that is priceless and throw the rest away as the garbage
which it is, for it clutters our living space if we keep it around. We, who have
been receiving and studying the Cosmic Awareness messages since 1963 have
familiarized ourselves with many key concepts of Awareness that have created
some profound changes in our consciousness.
We have come from a variety
of religious backgrounds: Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Spiritualist,
Atheist, Agnostic and others, and all have been enriched by the Cosmic Awareness
messages. We realize that while Cosmic Awareness is ready to accept everyone,
not everyone is ready to accept Cosmic Awareness.
It has asked us to
prepare the Earth for the coming changes in consciousness, for it has indicated
that within two to four generations 80 percent of all people on Earth will be
living in states of Cosmic Awareness, yet hardly anyone has the least
understanding of what the term "Cosmic Awareness" means.
As heat turns
ice to water, water to steam and steam to air, so Cosmic Awareness melts one's
crystallized thought patterns into emotions, ideas, feelings, expanded
consciousness and finally Into the Universal spirit of the virgin-born purity of
the Christ of Crystal Clear Consciousness which is the Heavenly or
Universal Spirit of God.
Then speaking as that Crystal
Consciousness, one can truly say: "I and the Father, are One."
Its time has come,
ready or not. Cosmic Awareness asks not that you sacrifice, not that you
believe, not that you bow in worship to It, but that you love one another, serve
one another, and that you become aware -- cosmically aware. We invite you to
check it out. You may be ready for this new adventure in your life..
Paul Shockley
(Source: Revelations of